Monday, December 30, 2019

Air Contamination And Its Reasons - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 800 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Ecology Essay Level High school Tags: Air Pollution Essay Pollution Essay Did you like this example? The requirement for change in our day by day lives and the developments of our administration is developing. Since such a significant number of various components become possibly the most important factor; voting, legislative issues, the want to stick to standard, numerous individuals dont consider that what they do will influence who and what is to come. On the off chance that people keep pushing ahead in such a destructive path towards the future, at that point there will be no future to consider. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Air Contamination And Its Reasons" essay for you Create order In spite of the fact that its valid that we cant physically prevent our ozone layer from diminishing (and researchers are as yet experiencing difficulty making sense of what is causing it precisely,) there are still such a large number of things we can do to attempt and put an imprint in what we definitely know. By bringing issues to light in your nearby group and inside your families about these issues, you can help add to an all the more earth cognizant and amicable place for you to live. Contamination comes in numerous structures. Air, soil, and water all have the capacity to be dirtied. Contamination represents a present and future dangers to individuals and nature. Debased waters are undrinkable. Contaminated air debilitates the ozone layer and causes medical issues. Debased soil demolishes living spaces and water system. As a human, your body is significantly influenced by contamination if its noticeable all around you inhale or the water you drink. Contamination puts creatures and nature in basic condition that no one but people can reestablish. It is one of the greatest executioners on the planet, and it takes in excess of 100 million lives each and every year † and that is simply human lives. Individuals who live in territories with abnormal amounts of air contamination are 20 percent more inclined to bite the dust of lung growth † regardless of whether theyve never grabbed a cigarette in their lives. We dump a large number of pounds of rubbish and trillions of gallons of untreated sewage and tempest water into the seas and waterways each and every year. Keeping in mind the end goal to see reestablished air, water, and soil, its basic to recoup from contamination. Via watching over the biological communities, settling on maintainable decisions and constraining the quantity of assets utilized, there is potential for recuperation from contamination. Contamination is simply the outflow of strong, fluid and vaporous squanders in amounts more prominent than the limit of retention of nature. This overabundance straightforwardly meddles with the harmony of environments. Of the kinds of contamination we know, air contamination and the contamination of the seas has achieved stressing extents. The most widely recognized toxins in the environment are carbon monoxide, particulate issue, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. These specialists start from over the top modern action, ignition of natural materials, engine vehicle depletes and the outflow of concoction squanders, frequently harmful, by processing plants and research facilities. Another factor related with air contamination is the awful stench radiated by specific enterprises, for example, tanneries, paper plants, cellulose, among others. Carbon dioxide assumes an imperative part as a controller of the environment in that it holds the infrared radiation of the Sun along these lines balancing out the Earths temperature through the Greenhouse Effect. In any case, the high and expanding levels of carbon dioxide may prompt an expansion in the worlds temperature causing, among different harms, the softening of the polar zones, flooding the seaside districts of all the Rain is the principle specialist of contamination, other than dragging into the ocean soil poisons, composts, pesticides, and so on., can convey toxins in the environment, these downpours are called Acid Rain. Non-acidic rain has a pH near 6 and is viewed as acidic when its pH is under 5. Contaminations exhibit in corrosive rain, generally sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, are delivered by ignition of coal, oil and its subordinates. In contact with the vapor of water of the air, these poisons can at present create different substances by methods for compound responses. Sulfur dioxide, for instance, responding with water may shape sulfuric corrosive. This sort of rain has high ruinous power in the spots where it falls. It rams woodlands, consuming the leaves of the trees, making the dirt acidic or causing its disintegration. At the point when precipitation achieves streams and lakes, the pH of the water is modified and may prompt the passing of fish and green growth. Sullying of water for human utilization can cause medical issues, incorporating unsettling influences in the sensory system. One method for maintaining a strategic distance from this marvel is control the outflow of toxins, for example, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide by enterprises, the utilization of reactant channels to the fumes of engine vehicles, and clear successful control.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

An Exploration of How the Designer Olivier Kuntzel and...

The opening title sequence for the movie Catch Me If You Can, designed by Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas, establishes the era, style and tone of the movie’s narrative by its eye catching use of retro inspired graphics and a finger snapping jazz theme tune. I chose this title sequence to illustrate my answer to the above question because while it embodied the basic narrative of the film – the ongoing cat and mouse chase between the conman (Frank Abagnale Jr) and the FBI agent (Carl Hanratty) – the titles designers also interpreted different themes and applied them to the titles in a way that isn’t apparent until after the film has finished. I intend to approach this paper by looking at how the sequence manages to evoke a feeling of†¦show more content†¦Magazines Entertainment Weekly (24 Jan 2003) Contains several quotes from producer Walter Parkes on the titles. Internet (accessed 03/03/2008) Provides a description of Nexus Productions and their input into the titles. (accessed 28/02/2008) Info on sixties titles, John Williams score, Spielberg’s influence on titles and design style. (access 28/02/2008) Analysis of the narrative and inspiration from 60’s film titles. editing/article/using_movie_title_sequences_effectively_20071227/ (accessed 03/03/2008) Info on Saul Bass’ approach to titles. (accessed 03/03/2008) (accessed 04/03/2008) Saul Bass quotes on titles. (accessed 02/03/2008) Brief history of titles. (accessed 10/03/2008) Making of the titles, inspiration. arts/2004/07/17/bfbass17.xml (accessed 02/03/2008) Bass’ titles bio . (accessed

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Smoking Ban Free Essays

The Smoking Ban Brandon Samuel January 24, 2013 The Smoking Ban Smoking is a popular pass time. At the same time, it also threatens the lives of millions of people, smoker and non-smokers alike. Smoking kills more people each year than any other disease. We will write a custom essay sample on Smoking Ban or any similar topic only for you Order Now Smoking kills 2 out 10 people each year in developed countries. (PAHO, 2007) Secondhand smoke puts non-smokers at similar risk to that of smokers. Retrospectively non-smokers feel their rights are being violated. Smokers want to have a choice to smoke where they want. Smokers claim smoking is a legal act so why ban it? Forty Six million smokers make their own health decisions to smoke. However, the Environmental Protection agency drafted a report, in May of 1992, stating that second hand smoke is a carcinogen. Every state in America should address this problem on a national level and local level. Smoking should be banned from all public facilities. Several states have passed smoking laws making it illegal to smoke in any public facility. In California, it’s illegal to smoke in a car with children under the age of 18 aboard. Other states such as Maine, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, and Arkansas have similar car smoking laws- with different ages that apply. Many variations of policies have been set locally to support a nationwide movement to have smoke free laws in every state. Among these states Michigan is also among these states jumping on board for smoke free environments. The clean air act was established to protect citizens against harmful effects of smoking or second hand smoke. There are currently 13 states that have no statewide ban and simply rely on the clean air act to restrict smoking. These laws of the clean air act are very broad and may restrict per county but it is up to the state to apply specifics to their area. As Smoking has been a habit of choice for many Americans, laws and policies are set in place to protect those who wish not to be affected by second hand smoke. Michigan has been among many states adapting to the change. Jennifer Granholm signed a bill on December 18, 2009 which was put into place on May 1, 2010 where all public areas including workplaces, restaurants, and bars ill be smoke free. The policy also states, unlike California and other states that you may not smoke on any patio of these establishments as well. Opinions of others feel that this is quite harsh as people feel they should be able to smoke outside on a patio at the establishment. The bill defines and explains all appropriate measures which must be taken in order to uphold the law. The sections describe actions for company owners to prohibit smoking in these areas and to also pos t signs around the establishment. (Mulder, 2010) There are two exceptions to the smoking ban which includes cigar bars and tobacco specialty stores. Both of these businesses must file an affidavit with the department and await approval. The bill is very specific about what is allowed and what not allowed for these establishments is. For example, you may not smoke cigarettes in the cigar bar, only cigars. The second exception to the policy is casinos. If the casino was established before the bill was called into action then patrons may smoke in the facility. However, casinos that are established after May, 1, 2010 must be smoke free. Penalties of this bill are determined to be no more than 100 for the first offense and no more than 500 for the second offense. Food establishments that do not permit smoking as according to the law may not discriminate against employees who do smoke. (Mulder, 2010) Below are a list of state and local laws that pertain to the United States and the participation of this policy. †¢ Across the United States, 21,884 municipalities are covered by a 100% smoke free provision in non-hospitality workplaces, and/or restaurants, and/or bars, by either a state, commonwealth, territorial, or local law, representing 79. % of the US population. †¢ 39 states and the District of Columbia have local laws in effect that requires non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars to be 100% smoke free. There are 2,140 states, commonwealths, territories, cities, and counties with a law that restricts smoking in one or more outdoor areas, including 1,056 that restrict smoking near entran ces, windows, and ventilation systems of enclosed places; 1,497 that restrict smoking in public outdoor places such as parks and beaches; 253 that prohibit smoking in all outdoor stadiums and other sports and entertainment enues, and 361 that restrict smoking in some areas within outdoor stadiums and other sports and entertainment venues. (ANRF, 2012) †¢ Smoking is a habit that many people engage in throughout America. It can also be thought of as a social activity, and many people who do not smoke normally will smoke especially when they go to bars, restaurants, and casinos. At the same time, smoking is a great health risk, which endangers not only the user, but also everyone who is in the same area as the user. In this context, this paper will examine the pros and cons of banning smoking in bars and restaurants and will provide an ethical solution to this debatable issue. Looking at ethical solutions to this problem depends on how you view the issue at hand. Quit smoking in enclosed spaces or continue the way we have always done things. What about giving people the choice not to be engulfed by SHS? Does the smoker’s right to smoke trump the right to not smoke or be affected by SHS? If no, then set rules and regulations. Those who don’t follow will have consequences. Clarks article states that an amazing 88% of Americans feel that smoking is annoying. Too much surprise, most smokers support a smoking ban as well. We could cater to the 88% and develop solutions to these problems such as; make it illegal to smoke in any public facility. Another solution would be to install advanced air filtering systems to enable smokers to continue to smoke indoors as long – as the filtering systems prove to be efficient. This may be the key to help the smokers, less likely to feel isolated and attacked. Another possible solution would be to spend money on outdoor areas (patios) where customers may eat or socialize outside together. This would actually draw non-smokers and smokers together in an environment where they could mingle together without feeling like they are being harmed physically or emotionally. If your business was located in a cold area, the owners could also install outdoors heaters to allow year round patios. To clarify misconceptions even further, the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, written by Michael L. Marlow, reports that the best evidence reported that smoking bans put into place does not pose an economical threat to the any business. (Marlow, 2009) In addition to public smoking remedies, there should be a smoking ban in any vehicle that transports a child under the age of 18 years old. By making the age 18, there is no question of rights that are infringed. You have to be 18 to buy and smoke cigarettes, so lets keep it consistent and simple. Given scientific information on the effects of smoking a non-objectivist would agree that sometimes simplicity is the key. Waller, 2008, p. 175) As stated previously smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease, says the World Health Organization. According to their figures, it is responsible for approximately 3. 5 million deaths worldwide every year – or about 7% of all deaths. (BBC News: Smoking) Moreover, the World Health Organization says that by 2020 17. 7 percent of all deaths in developed countries will be the result of smoking (BBC News: Smoking). This means that out of every 10 people who die roughly two people die because of smoking. The WHO is currently working on a global level to achieve 100 % smoke free environment in any enclosed space. This is to include airlines, schools, workplace, health facilities, bars, restaurants, and all public facilities. This global organization recognizes the dangers that come from smoking and also would like to help educate our youth on the effects of smoking. This type of action would focus on preventative measures to lower the percentages of smokers in the years to come. WHO, 1999) There was also a recent study done by the United States Societies actuary and it reported that a combination of direct and indirect medical costs estimated about 10 billion dollars in health care costs associated with smoking. To sup port this estimate, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported that a clean air act would save US employers 15 billion dollars annually and the workforce productivity would raise about 3. 5 %. (PAHO, 2007) To begin, the argument for allowing smoking in b ars and restaurants is that many people go to bars and restaurants to relax and socialize. Historically, smoking has been a part of these activities, especially drinking and socializing in bars, pubs and nightclubs. Charles Clark writes in his article about the desperate attempts to cut down smoking in public facilities. Politicians, administrators, and supervisors are looking for policies that they can move forward with- in order to â€Å"crackdown on smoking†. Clark notes that since the smoking ban issue has been pushed so heavily and been in the forefront of everyone’s minds, smokers have been feeling publicly humiliated, vilified, and ridiculed. Clark, 1992) The ban of smoking could, in this context, jeopardize businesses by forcing businesses to ban activities in which their customers engage. This economic factor is potentially problematic, since it is often a good thing for businesses to further profits by catering to the wishes and desires of the customer. Secondly, bars are places where everyone knows that people smoke and so they enter into this envi ronment of their own free will. Thus, smoking in this case is not a malicious activity, since everyone freely chooses to visit a place that allows smoking. Thirdly, it is potentially problematic to dissuade what is often considered a social activity in a social environment. In the context of the pros to banning smoking in bars and restaurant, these cons to banning smoking in a bars and restaurants hold up different viewpoints. First of all, smoking is a serious health risk both to all customers and the people who serve them. Studies have also proven that the smoking bans have not affected the businesses that are on board. In fact, it has increased business and people are generally supporting the change. PAHO, 2007) This also brings up another issue of whether or not to ban smoking in every workplace establishment and vehicles with children as well. Overall, according to the World Health Organization, smoking kills and disables more people worldwide than any other disease. This means that smoking, which is a chosen habit, kills more people than serious worldwide disease such as AIDS. Tynan’s article reports that the American Nonsm okers ‘ Rights Foundation estimated 33% of US residents live in areas where smoking bans have already been set in place. Tynan, Babb,  , 2008,  May). When looking at the smoking ban we can include the smoking ban to incorporate all public facilities, transportation (airplanes, trains, buses), and also vehicles with children aboard. Right now children are suffering from second hand smoke. In many states it is still legal to smoke in your car with children. But what isn’t exploited is that the World Health Organization reports that 700 million children are exposed to second hand smoke. SHS exposure causes upper respiratory infections and increases the chance of asthma. PAHO, 2007) Shouldn’t America fight for protecting adult non-smokers, but also the children too? In regards to SHS in the workplace The Employee Relations Law Journal (2006) Tomkowicz and Lessack make claims that workers who smoke, take longer and more frequent breaks. In addition, to longer brea ks there is a rise in the cost of health care, which is more expensive for everyone because of smoking and its many effects. The World Health organization supports this claim as well, adding that economically the businesses are at higher risk for fire, more expensive cleaning fees, and higher insurance premiums. PAHO, 2007) Non-smokers feel the smoking ban has a positive impact on the health of everyone, so let’s continue the progression and move forward with a nationwide ban. These reasons alone should show that public establishments and society should support a clean air act. A habit, which kills and injures so many people worldwide and in the US, is hard to embrace. In a larger respect, one could argue that, considering these facts, it is the duty of our United States government to protect people when they go to public places from the awful effects of smoking. The biggest reason, moreover, that smoking should be banned from restaurants, bars, public places, and transportation is that we need to find a way to protect the rights of individuals asking for a choice to stay healthy. Why should smokers infringe their choice on others? It would be safe to say that the opposing views of the smoking bans derive from a universal ethical egoism viewpoint where as Bruce Waller’s text Consider Ethics (2008) describes ethical egoism as everybody does what benefits them, not considering others views or values. Waller, 2008, p. 87) Although ethical egoism deserves consideration society should also consider utilitarianism as another ethical viewpoint. Although these negative myths about the smoking ban can be refuted, and smokers understand consequences of smoking tot heir own health, smokers have to also calculate the consequences to non-smokers as well. Assuming the United States Government fights these battles locally, nationally, and statewide, many of the Americans will continue to decline in health and continue to die each year from tobacco and SHS. If society looks at second hand smoke in an ethical manner they could see that SHS is detrimental to ones health and we have a moral obligation to our fellow humans to not impose serious health risks upon others. Another aspect to point out is that most of America does not smoke. There are more non smoker s that there are smokers. Also smokers generally want to quit but still smoke because of nicotine addition. A lot of smokers support a clean air act. There are several myths that are brought about from the tobacco industry. Cleary looking at the difference between right and wrong is this case is key. People should have the right NOT to smoke, even passively. Simply, have rules and regulations on where smokers can and cannot smoke. Based on scientific knowledge, many Americans and organizations that support the smoking ban has begun to campaign against second hand smoke. If the smoking ban does not progress, we may see backlash of an angry population. We could also see US studies providing that second hand smoke increases the number of people with lung cancer and heart disease. People who are addicted to smoking should be treated with compassion in order to help their habit. However, they should not be permitted to harm others by chemical means. If America cannot agree to enforce public smoking laws, then we will continue to see declines in smoker’s health including cancer and fatal deaths resulting from a carcinogenic agent, such as cigarette smoke. In regards to smoking in the workforce, employees who are continually and routinely exposed to a lot of second-hand smoke may end up walking away from their jobs, due to the health risks. In this respect, non-smokers can be subjected to the same ailments and risks that smokers are subject to. This fact in itself makes it plainly evident that smokers endanger others by smoking, and that in view of public health, the government must pass laws which protect its citizens from health hazards, especially ones which kill more people so violently. Conclusion To conclude, the arguments for allowing smoking in bars and restaurants rest on the assumptions of the past, that smoking is a social activity and should be allowed in public places. But since that time in the early 20th century when smoking was much more prevalent among adults, medicine has discovered absolutely that smoking greatly jeopardizes the life and quality of life of millions of people, smokers and non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke alike. M. Tynan says that the 2006 Surgeons General’s Report concluded that SHS causes premature death and disease in young children and nonsmoking adults. This means that the government must enact changes in the law to reflect this scientific knowledge. Overall, however, when weighing both the pros and cons, it becomes very evident that smoking is too harmful to people’s health and must be publicly censured as much as possible. Given all these factors of smoking the US government should provide a universal ban for smoking in public facilities. With the exception of those establishments who provide an area, which is sealed off, and the air current is ventilated away from the general public. Only then would a bar or restaurant owner be able to allow smoking in this space. Millions of Americans chooses not to smoke. However, they are not given the chance to get away from second hand smoke. In most states it is still legal to smoke in restaurants, bars, casinos, and public facilities. Why is the law taking their right away to be healthy, but yet not taking the right away from smokers all the while letting them blow smoke in their way? What is more important the right to smoke or your right to good health? References ANRF. (2012, January 02). Overview list – how many smoke free laws?. Retrieved from http://www. no-smoke. org/pdf/mediaordlist. pdf Clark, Charles. (1992). Are bans on tobacco use unfair to smokers? Crackdown on smoking, 2(45), Retrieved from http://library. cqpress. com. ezproxy. falcon. edu/cqresearcher/document. php? id=cqresrre1992120400=hitlist=0 doi: cqresrre1992120400 Marlow, Michael L. (Summer 2009). Epidemiologic and economic research, and the question of smoking bans. (Essay). Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons  14. 2  :  58(3). Health Reference Center Academic. Gale. Baker College. 23 Oct. 2009   . Gale Document Number:A201551415 Mulder, M. (2010, February 04). Michigan smoking ban exemptions and enforcement. Retrieved from http://www. michiganpolicy. com/index. php? option=com_content=article=693:michigan-smoking-ban-exemptions-and-enforcement=43:health-care-policy-briefs=159 Pan American Health Organization, PAHO (2007, May 23). Smoke free inside. Retrieved from http://www. paho. org/english/ad/sde/ra/Engbrochure. pdf Slovak, Lila E. (Fall 2007). Smoke screens: why state laws making it a crime to smoke in cars containing children are a bad idea. Family Law Quarterly  41. 3  :  601(21). Health Reference Center Academic. Gale. Baker College. 23 Oct. 2009   . Gale Document Number:A175284505 Tomkowicz, Sandra M. ,  and  Susan K. Lessack. (Winter 2006). Where there’s smoke: employer policies on smoking. Employee Relations Law Journal  32. 3:  48(18). Health Reference Center Academic. Gale. Baker College. 23 Oct. 2009 Gale Document Number:A156054991. Tynan,  M. ,  Babb,  S. ,  Ã‚  MacNeil,  A.. (2008,  May). State Smoking Restrictions for Private-Sector Worksites, Restaurants, and Bars – United States, 2004 and 2007. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,  57(20),  549-552. Retrieved October 23, 2009, from ProQuest Nursing Allied Health Source. (Document ID:  1500262111). Waller, N. B. (2008). Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues (2nd ed. ). Pearson Education, Inc. World Health Organization, WHO, (1999, August 6). Action plan on tobacco or health. Retrieved from http://www. wpro. who. int/NR/rdonlyres/1167BB28-E2D2-4C61-A5CB-234BD303C3BC/0/RC5011. pdf How to cite Smoking Ban, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Future Work Skills Aviation Industry in Australia †MyAssignmenthelp.c

Question: Discuss about the Future Work Skills Aviation Industry in Australia. Answer: Introduction The aviation industry in Australia has observed a significant growth in the recent time. The share of aviation in freight transport is increasing rapidly because of the sustainable growth in high-value, time-sensitive parcel traffic. The new transport hubs are increasingly being developed in the recent vicinity of airports. After a long time, the aviation sector brings essential as well as critical services to the rural and remote areas across Australian regions and states. The aviation sector underpins Australian business as well as tourism and it is has been reported that the annual revenue of the industry reached $1.3 billion, which contributes nearly $12.3 billion to countrys overall GDP ( 2017). The aviation industry in Australia has five significant aspects such as domestic commercial aviation, international commercial aviation, generation aviation, air-freight transport as well as aviation support infrastructure. As put forward by Wong and Brooks (2015), the significant growth in passenger as well as cargo movement by air in the Asia-Pacific could fuel the Aviation sectors ongoing requirement for handling as well as ground crew members. Nevertheless, attraction and retention are difficult and need a significant commitment to raise the skills levels as well as build the career paths. The below mentioned graph provides an illustration of the Aviation Workforce from 2006-2020 (Chen and Chen 2012). Issues found in the labor field of Aviation industry The aviation Workforce Skill Study has identified a large range of issues related to Australias aviation planning environment. The aviation industry is in the need for a broad approach to aviation workforce planning and development, which should be sustained by streamlined policy as well as regulation. Even though, the present cost challenges faced by individuals as well as business are well managed, the industry is in the need for the industry to investment more in its present and future workforce with public and private funding mechanism. The industry faces other challenges such as the issue related with the safety and regulatory reforms. On the other side, the implementation of present regulatory reforms into the industry operation persistently raised the concern with several industry stakeholders who question the key cost and benefit ratio of the reforms for the sector with the potential flow of the less budget. As mentioned by Zou et al. (2014), the aviation industry in Australia identified the need for larger centralization as well as coordination in workforce planning across the sector. Furthermore, while focusing on labor workforce of the sector, it is observed that industry has a chronic deficiency of Flight Instructor and Flight Examiners for both aero planes and helicopters. However, hence OConnor and Fuellhart (2012) also commented that this sort of shortage are also observed in other western nations with the addition of fierce competition for specialist skills sets. The issues are also found in the aviation maintenance, as majority of sector stakeholders as well as training provider operating in the Aviation Maintenance sector described a deficiency of shortage of aircraft maintenance engineering trainers. The most recent data available figures from the aviation safety Authority demonstrate that the aviation industry employed just under 55000 workers in 2013 (Ison, Merkert and Mulley 2014). This scenario includes non-technical administration position and the less number of voluntary and unpaid workers. Even though the questionnaire is compulsory, annual return rate is less than 100%; thereby, the figure could be underestimated (Jiang and Zhang 2016). This particular issue regarding the underestimation is given weight by the aviation workforce figure. In addition to this, a significant variation has been found in the share of employee expenditure between airline, which remains consistent with the variation observed in other regions. This involves the three tiers of airline emerging. It is also identified that Australian airlines generally have share of employee expenditure across all sort of airlines compared to other similar airline in other nations. Conventionally, the domestic as well as regional airline makes the large investment on their workforce as the percentage of their overall expenditure. As put forward by Bourne (2016), the domestic and regional airlines do not have much access to the same economies of scale afforded to broad airlines that usually runs larger aircraft. Furthermore, it has also been reported that the proportion of aviation workers aged under 25 and over 50 is lower compared to the average figures across all nations (Terrill 2016). The lower proportion of young worker could be contributed to the time, expense as well as minimum age required to gain aviation-related to qualification. It has been estimated that continuation of this growing trend could pose significant challenges to the business, especially about the succession planning as well as workforce up-skilling. From a broad perspective, the overall proportion of aviation workers born outside of Australia remains slightly higher compared to the remaining working population, which is 28.8% compared with 27.7 percent across all aviation sectors (David 2013). Among these overseas-born workers, the proportion of workers based in English-Speaking nations is slightly greater than the aviation industry than the observed aggregated industries. Nevertheless, the scenario is little different in aircraft manufacturing as well as maintenance sector, where 34.5% of worker were born outside of Australia (Borenstein and Rose 2014). Findings After acquiring the lease for Melbourne Airports, Australian Pacific Airports have observed increase in the arrivals of travelers. As put forward by Safaei, Banjevicand and Jardine (2011), this trend is going to continue into future. After the renovation of Australian Pacific Airport, billions of dollars privately funded investments in the capital expenditure have supported the growth in passenger. In addition, during the last four years alone, investors have been pleased to sustain more than $1.8 billion in new and upgraded infrastructure. According to Hedden (2012) at a time when the organizations in the public sector are challenged in meeting all of the demands on it for new infrastructure spending, the private investment delivers the significant dividends for Victorian National Economy. The overall revenue of the organization around $642 million, and the operating profits was around $470 million ( 2017). Melbourne Airport currently services 28 passenger and 16 freight airlines and there are nearly 165,000 aircrafts movement as well as 20 million domestic and international passengers per annum. Some of these developments leads to an increased improvement in the security arrangements at airports. In addition, Wong and Brooks (2015) also mentioned that growing arrangements in Melbourne Airports could put Australia in the top three nations. There are some significant reasons behind the growing development of Melbourne Airport such as customer service, technology, quality service monitoring. The organization strengthened its service commitment with six customer service indicators increasing throughout the year. It has been observed that Melbourne Airport has become the first airport in the world to acquire accreditation to International Customer Service ( 2017). The six indicator of Melbourne are ambience, cleaning, crowing, information and way finding and courtesy. In addition to this, technology plays a significant role in providing effective customer service across Australian Pacific Airports. In addition to all these, in stakeholder and community engagement, Melbourne plays another significant role. For example, in each year, a comprehensive as well as in depth audit conducted by Melbourne indicates that with the key stakeholders, Melbourne Stakeholders achieve almost 95% and 92.5% for quality relationship and communication respectively (OConnor and Fuellhart 2012). The organization continues to work with the government business, the key stakeholders and the community. In addition to this, the company has been able to have the significant gains as it has formed a strong and sustaining relationship with the government. More specifically, both Melbourne and Launceston continue work with different levels of Government to enhance planning operation and service. For instance, Melbourne continues to work with Victorian State Government on enhancing tax service. Conversely, to gain support from the government, the organization has a significant stake in corporate social responsi bility. For instance, Melbourne Airport contributed to Victoria governments review of the metropolitan schemes. It is further observed that Australian Pacific Airport sustains particular number of communities and industry organizations to further develop as well as enhance the economic and social growth of the regions where it runs the operation. To strengthen its social image in the community, Melbourne has formed the partnership with volunteers where it supports the healthy Habitates conversation programs at the heart of the city ( The organization also continues to support Melbourne tourism industry leadership programs, which focuses on strengthening the succession management with the tourism sector. At the same time, it also provides practical learning opportunities for the industry leaders. All these initiatives make it clear that Australian Pacific Airport has developed a significant brand image in the market due to its strong environmental initiatives. Moreover, the challenges it faced in term of labor workforce did not create further significant challenge as it has growing workforce, which shapes the gaps in the workforce. As put forward by Ruhanen, Mclennan and Moyle (2013), frequent infrastructure development also enables Melbourne Airport to hold the growing workforce. However, it has been reported that the organization lacks skilled workforce, which certainly affects the customer service and the productivity. Hence, Jiang and Zhang (2016) also mentioned that compared to the investment made on workforce development, the organization did not observe the positive gains on return on investment. Interpretation of the findings The first hand information gathered from the investigative interview helps to learn that currently, due to supportive environment in the aviation industry, Melbourne Airport has observed a significant market position in Australian Aviation sector. Due to some significant business initiatives, the organization has moved to a matrix structure, which resulted in four different business elements such as Aviation, Property, Parking and Ground Transport (Terrill 2016). Moreover, in spite of the challenges in the workforce, the organization gained a tremendous momentum. The frequent investment in the infrastructure helps the organization to grow the capacity of freight and aircrafts. Once the capacity is larger, the opportunity for gaining return on investment is also larger. However, first-hand information collected from the interview, the analysis made in the part 1, and part 2 indicates that organization has been able to hold such growing market as it effectively deals with the external environment. For example, Melbourne continued working with Victoria State government, industries bodies as well as regional landowners to enhance pest, plant and animal control, on the largest ever collaborative environmental project. As it is learnt in the interview that the business has moved to a matrix structure, in the above-mentioned analysis, it is also found that APAC has also put a significant emphasis on key growth markets. This is considered as the initiative of focus shifted from being China ready to China Friendly (Chen and Chen 2012). This initiative included additional mandarin conversation staff appointed as aspect of the volunteer Customer Care Program. Public announcements in Mandarin at Melbournes international departures have international screening point to offer real time updates. The growing strength of the organization enables the firm to remain committed to provide responsible airport operation that protects and improves the environments and communities in which they run. Development of the organizational structure has also been possible because it has developed a sustainable relationship with the government. The company persistently works with the key government departments and business stakeholders that certainly stabilize the growth of the firm. The organization will continue to work with the government to improve the security across its operation. 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